Joe Ryan

American Civil War Battlewalk Videos


Richmond Confederate Memorials

Confederate Cemetary at Petersburg
30,000 Civil War Dead

The Union Invasion of Virginia 1862 Part 1
The Union Invasion of Virginia 1862 Part 2
The Union Invasion of Virginia 1862 Part 3


The Lost Order Documents in a Nutshell

Full Presentation
Supplement to Antietam and Lee's Lost Order: The Lost Order Documents
The basic attribute of all the material, written and visual, is that it provides a completely fresh examination of the evidence, to discern the state of mind of Lee in committing his army to the great battles of Antietam and Gettysburg; it offers a view that strips away the false veneer built up like layers of sediment over the objective truth by the historians and civil war writers over the years.


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Approaches to Gettysburg

Gettysburg The Second Day

J.E.B. Stuart's Role In The Gettysburg Campaign

Supplement to the Gettysburg Battlewalk: Lee and Longstreet

Part One

Part Two

Supplement to The Gettysburg Battlewalk: General Lee and Richard Ewell

The Gettysburg Letterbook

Supplement to the Gettysburg Battlewalk: Ewell's Marching Orders

General Lee Lied in the January 1864 Gettysburg Report

Comments on the Gettysburg Battlewalks
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Deb of Texas writes:
I recently heard a distinguished author/speaker at our round table say General Lee went to Gettysburg strictly to forage for his army. I had never heard that. I am wondering what your thoughts are on this.

Joe Ryan replies: Take a look at the videos displayed on the website, under Joe Ryan's Battlewalks, Approaches to Gettysburg and Gettysburg The Second Day. They answer your question the long way. My short answer to the speaker's statement that General Lee went to Pennsylvania to forage, is that it is silly.

Of course Lee's army appropriated anything that could be moved—livestock, wagons, harness, tools, horseshoes, clothing, flour, grain, and money—but the caloric value of the food products gained by the foraging was plainly cancelled out by the calories expended by the men and animals not only marching to and from Gettysburg but also in fighting a horrific battle there. Even assuming that the speaker offered some objective evidence of the fact that the army gained a substantial surplus in the exchange, the surplus cannot possibly justify in terms of military science, much less in terms of Confederate war policy, Lee's marching his army to Gettysburg and fighting there the battle that determined the fate of Virginia, and with it the fate of the Confederacy.

Oh but the battle simply happened by accident during the course of the foraging, the speaker might say. In other words, from the start (which means from Fredericksburg on the Rappahannock) Lee meant to march his army of 80,000 men and 20,000 animals in a two hundred mile loop because he expected to gain for it more food than it would consume. Simply ridiculous.


Tony Wood of England remarks:
I am a family lawyer from England and have visited Gettysburg several times now. I agree with your view of Ewell's performance. As you walk Culp's Hill you realize how crucial it was and yet the historians seem to still dwell on Cemetery Ridge. I think you are right that Jackson probably would have taken the hill and that the tide of the encounter would have washed closer to Washington.

Joe Ryan replies: Yes, the historians and Civil War writers dwell on Cemetery Ridge; I think the reason is that romance sells books, and there is the problem of breaking loose from the herd—the silly story line of the battle happening by accident and that Meade was actually in danger of losing his army in the struggle. These people are lazy, working in a profession where the digging deep into primary sources is apparently deemed to be beneath them.

Nicholas Hollis writes:
At the General Longstreet Recognition Project (link), we have been seeking to establish some objective truth in relation to Longstreet's actions on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg, and appreciate the clarity your Gettysburg videos offer on the subject.

Joe Ryan replies: The historical myth of the Battle of Gettysburg is now so seeped in the literature—literature layered by generations of writers repeating the story line—that it will probably take another 150 years to get the public's mind aligned to the objective truth of the matter. It seems to me the story line probably developed out of the politics of professional historians, from both sides of the Mason-Dixon Line.

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Bull Run - 1st Manassas

Grant's Tomb New York City

Joe Ryan

Joe Ryan Original Civil War Articles

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About the author:
Joe Ryan is a Los Angeles trial lawyer who has traveled the route of the Army of Northern Virginia, from Richmond to Gettysburg, several times.


American Civil War Exhibits
