General Stuart Field Note with Signature



  Ttwo files, showing a second note of Stuart's, written from the field in 1863. This one shows his signature. It comes from the Charles Venable Papers. Venable kept several pencil written notes from the field. The Wilson Library UNC Archives has a list prepared by Venable before his death which identifies the authors of the notes, the identities connected by numbers written on the back of the notes. Somewhere, somehow, on some of these documents the signatures were torn out. The Archives suggests this may have happened by souvenir hunters, by Venable, or ?




Collected by Joseph Ryan from the Venable Papers


Who wrote the Lost Order?

Supporting Exhibits

Sharpsburg Campaign: Photo Album

Lee's Ruse of War: Special Order 191

American Civil War Exhibits



Joe Ryan

Joe Ryan Original Works


About the author:
Joe Ryan is a Los Angeles trial lawyer who has traveled the route of the Army of Northern Virginia, from Richmond to Gettysburg several times.