Article Submission Information's mission is to provide a very comprehensive source of Civil War related information, which can be utilized as research source material and reprinting without copyright concerns (courtesy credits are expected). All of the material contained on the site is from public domain sources or are published with permission from the author and so credited. The target reader is the student doing research during K-12 Civil War History blocks, the College and University American History requirements, and the Civil War buff.

All of the informational material presented at the site resides on the domain server. This is to ensure to the visitors that is not utilizing material published through third parties. The Internet hardware on which the site resides is commercial servers with considerable bandwidth. The yearly unique visitor count is 2.5 million unique visitors a year.

Papers can be submitted for publishing consideration. The scope of submissions, which will be considered, is as broad as the different opinions held by many regarding the conflict. We will not however publish editorial content that offensively deals with the delicate issues of racism and segregation. We would rather that the site visitor be presented with enough historical information to assure that they are able to form sound personal opinions.

Submission of graphic material must be the property of the author (or public domain) and submitted with the understanding that material published on the site with credits, is often reprinted by site visitors without permission or credit. Submission of existing Internet pages if accepted, will be duplicated with credits and email contact. Submit documents by attachment at:

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American Civil