Civil War CD's and Books in conjunction with and The
American Civil War
Reference Books
Book Selections Recommended by:

American Civil War Book Titles

Political Culture and Secession in Mississippi: Masculinity, Honor, and the Antiparty Tradition, 1830-1860
A rich new perspective on the events leading up to the Civil War and will prove an invaluable tool for understanding the central crisis in American politics.

The Third Battalion Mississippi Infantry and the 45th Mississippi Regiment
The story of Hardcastle's 3rd Battalion Mississippi Infantry from enlistment to the end of the war, includes their mid-war incarnation and the role they played in Cleburne's fabled division

A South Divided: Portraits of Dissent in the Confederacy
An account of Southern dissidents in the Civil War, at times labeled as traitors, Tories, deserters, or mossbacks during the war and loyalists, Lincoln loyalists, and Unionists by historians of the war
Civil War Map Poster
Battles of the Civil War Laminated Wall Map
The Battles of the Civil War map was published in collaboration with the Civil War Preservation Trust and the National Park Service.
Laminated (36'' x 23")

The Dred Scott Case: Its Significance in American Law and Politics
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1979. On March 6, 1857, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney delivered the Supreme Court's decision against Dred Scott

We Saw Lincoln Shot: One Hundred Eyewitness Accounts
How witnesses felt after; how rumor of other tragedies spread in the hours after, why some Southerners hated Lincoln and cheered his death; and, ultimately, why those who loved him were so profoundly affected

Lincoln's Assassins: Their Trial and Execution
For twelve days after the president was shot, the nation waited breathlessly as manhunters tracked down John Wilkes Booth

Collection of the writings of John Wilkes Booth constitutes a major new primary source that contributes to scholarship on Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War, and nineteenth-century theater history. The nearly seventy documents--more than half published here for the first time--include love letters written during the summer of 1864
Confederate Commanders
Gettysburg Campaign Book Titles
Company Book Titles
Colored Troops

Civil War Generals Book Titles
Young Reader Books
Confederate Titles

Women Subject Book Titles
Abraham Lincoln Book Titles
Atlanta Campaign
Movie DVD Titles