Ox Hill
Civil War
Civil War Virginia

American Civil War
September 1, 1862

Making a wide flank march, CS General Thomas Jackson hoped to cut off the Union retreat from Bull Run.

On September 1, beyond Chantilly Plantation on the Little River Turnpike near Ox Hill, Jackson sent his divisions against two Union divisions under Kearny and Stevens. Confederate attacks were stopped by fierce fighting during a severe thunderstorm.

Union generals Stevens and Kearny were both killed. Recognizing that his army was still in danger at Fairfax Courthouse, Major General Pope ordered the retreat to continue to Washington.

With Pope no longer a threat, Lee turned his army west and north to invade Maryland, initiating the Maryland Campaign and the battles of South Mountain and Antietam.

Major General George B. McClellan assumed command of Union forces around Washington.

Result(s): Inconclusive (Confederate strategic victory.)

Location: Fairfax County

Campaign: Northern Virginia Campaign (June-September 1862) previous battle in campaign    Campaigns

Date(s): September 1, 1862

Principal Commanders: Major General Philip Kearny and Major General Isaac Stevens [US]; Major General Thomas J. Jackson [CS]

Forces Engaged: Divisions

Estimated Casualties: 2,100 total (US 1,300; CS 800)

Tempest at Ox Hill
Tempest at Ox Hill
The Battle of Chantilly

At Chantilly, Virginia, on September 1, 1862, a small Union rearguard faced down some of Lee's best generals. The retreating main Union army, and Washington, were saved, but at a frightening human cost, including the deaths of two Union generals

Kindle Available
Class of 1846

The Class of 1846: From West Point to Appomattox: Stonewall Jackson, George McClellan, and Their Brothers

Confederate Troops Cheering at a Glimpse of General Stonewall Jackson, Us Civil War
Confederate Troops Cheering at a Glimpse of
General Stonewall Jackson CSA, US Civil War

18 in. x 24 in.
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Just like an heirloom pan you will find that even pineapple upside down cake doesn't stick to this surface. A perfect pot for making pot roast, simmering slow-cooked stews, or making your own soup stock. Cast Iron. A must for re-enactors campsites.
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U.S. National Park Service
U.S. Library of Congress.
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