Fort Huger, Hill's Point
Civil War Virginia

American Civil War
April 11-May 4, 1863

On April 19, a Union infantry force landed on Hill's Point at the confluence of the forks of the Nansemond River. This amphibious force assaulted Fort Huger from the rear, quickly capturing its garrison, thus reopening the river to Union shipping.

On April 24, Brigadier General Michael Corcoran's Union division mounted a reconnaissance-in-force from Fort Dix against Major General George E. Pickett's extreme right flank. The Federals approached cautiously and were easily repulsed.

On April 29, General Robert E. Lee directed Longstreet to disengage from Suffolk and rejoin the Army of Northern Virginia at Fredericksburg.

By May 4, the last of Longstreet's command had crossed the Blackwater River en route to Richmond.

Result(s): Inconclusive

Location: Suffolk

Campaign: Longstreet's Tidewater Operations (February-May 1863) previous battle in campaign    Campaigns

Date(s): April 11-May 4, 1863

Principal Commanders: Brigadier General John Peck [US]; Lieutenant General James Longstreet [CS]

Forces Engaged: Divisions (45,000 total)

Estimated Casualties: 152 total (1,160 for entire siege)

Portrait of General James Longstreet
Portrait of General James Longstreet
18 in. x 24 in.
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Framed   Mounted
Kindle Available
General James Longstreet

From Manassas to Appomattox
General James Longstreet

According to some, he was partially to blame for the Confederate defeat at Gettysburg; according to others, if Lee had followed Longstreet's advice, they would have won that battle. He has been called stubborn and vain; and he has been lauded as one of the greatest tacticians of the Civil War

72 Piece Civil War Army Men
Play Set 52mm Union and Confederate Figures, Bridge, Horses, Canon
  • 48 Union and Confederate Soldiers up to 2-1/8 inches tall
  • 4 Horses, 4 Sandbag Bunkers, 6 Fence Sections, 3 Cannon, 3 Limber Wagons (Ammo Carts)
  • Bridge, Small Barracks, 2 Cardboard buildings
  • Scale: About 1/35th
Virginia State Battle Map 1863
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American Civil War Book Titles
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The Civil War with an emphasis on contemporary advances in military technology and their effects on behavior in the field. Ulysses Grant was speaking nearly literally when he wrote, "the iron gauntlet must be used more than the silken glove to destroy the Confederacy"
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Staff Officers in Gray: A Biographical Register of the Staff Officers in the Army of Northern Virginia
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No single group of men at West Point has been so indelibly written into history as the class of 1846. The names are legendary: Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, George B. McClellan, Ambrose Powell Hill, Darius Nash Couch, George Edward Pickett, Cadmus Marcellus Wilcox, and George Stoneman

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More than 200 illustrations and restored photographs, all the weapons, uniforms, and implements of battle. Packed with color photos of insignia, medals, kits, paper ephemera, rare uniforms, and personal equipment for all enlisted ranks.
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Over 700 photographs and a rarity scale for each gun, this comprehensive guide to the thousands of weapons used by Billy Yank and Johnny Reb will be indispensable for historians and collectors.
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