Black Slave Owners

Two Paragraph version of the Order, Written by A.P. Mason


  The two paragraph version of the order, written in A.P. Mason's hand, is in the possession of the National Archives. It, along with Chilton's letterbook copy (ten paragraphs) was held by the Adjutant General's office in Richmond until Petersburg fell. At that point the Adjutant General, Samuel Cooper, had these documents along with his entire office files placed in a wagon train and sent to Goldsboro NC where they were captured by Sherman advancing from South Carolina.

Mason Hand written 2 paragraphs

Back of paper above
Source of Command Directive




Collected by Joseph Ryan from the National Archives



Who wrote the Lost Order?

Supporting Exhibits

Sharpsburg Campaign: Photo Album

Lee's Ruse of War: Special Order 191

American Civil War Exhibits



Joe Ryan

Joe Ryan Original Works


About the author:
Joe Ryan is a Los Angeles trial lawyer who has traveled the route of the Army of Northern Virginia, from Richmond to Gettysburg several times.

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